Cylkow… „Sensitive to the modulation of the Hebrew phrase,
shapes the verse in a manner slightly different
from both the Catholic and Protestant Bibles,
which were always influenced by the Latin syntax”
„wrażliwy na modulację hebrajskiej frazy, nieco inaczej kształtuje werset niż czynią to Biblie, zarówno katolickie jak i protestanckie, zawsze… ulegające wpływowi składni łacińskiej”
Czesław Miłosz
Czesław Miłosz
Cylkow… „Sensitive to the modulation of the Hebrew phrase,
shapes the verse in a manner slightly different
from both the Catholic and Protestant Bibles,
which were always influenced by the Latin syntax”
„wrażliwy na modulację hebrajskiej frazy, nieco inaczej kształtuje werset niż czynią to Biblie, zarówno katolickie jak i protestanckie, zawsze… ulegające wpływowi składni łacińskiej”
Czesław Miłosz
Czesław Miłosz

Rabin Izaak Cylkow – wielki polski patriota.
Tłumacz Biblii na język polski.
Rabbi Izaak Cylkow
Izaak Cylkow was born in 1841 in Masovia, in the town of Bieżuń, to the family of Mojżesz Aaron Cylkow (1813-1884) – a respected scholar of the Talmud, a person of exceptional humility and wisdom. Masovia was the true homeland for Cylkow’s family – since the 30s of the 19th century, they divided their time between Bieżuń, Warsaw and Kuchary (currently called Kuchary Żydowskie), where Izaak’s father was a teacher and administrator of Salomon Posner’s estate. Both Bieżuń and Kuchary are located by the same beautiful river Wkra, surrounded by swamps and meadows…

Rabbi Izaak Cylkow – a great Polish patriot.
Translator of the Hebrew Bible into Polish.
Rabbi Izaak Cylkow
Izaak Cylkow was born in 1841 in Masovia, in the town of Bieżuń, to the family of Mojżesz Aaron Cylkow (1813-1884) – a respected scholar of the Talmud, a person of exceptional humility and wisdom. Masovia was the true homeland for Cylkow’s family – since the 30s of the 19th century, they divided their time between Bieżuń, Warsaw and Kuchary (currently called Kuchary Żydowskie), where Izaak’s father was a teacher and administrator of Salomon Posner’s estate. Both Bieżuń and Kuchary are located by the same beautiful river Wkra, surrounded by swamps and meadows…
Creation and significance of Cylkow’s Torah
Dr Izaak Cylkow began his work on direct translations of biblical books to the Polish language already during the 80s of the 19th century. In 1883, “Psalms”, “translated and elucidated by Dr. J. Cylkow”, were published by Aleksander Gins’ printer’s shop.
However, translating the Torah – the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, which constitute the very foundation of Judaism – was the Warsaw-based rabbi’s most important initiative. And so, in 1985, “Moses’ Pentateuch”, “translated and elucidated according to the best sources by Dr I. Cylkow”, was published in 1895 in Cracow. The book’s publishing was “funded by the Translator”.
Monodram Tertium
Tertium. Ten Trzeci Świadek w sprawie Ijoba.
PARTYTURA TEATRALNA dla jednej aktorki według KSIĘGA IJOBA
przełożona z języka hebrajskiego przez RABINA IZAAKA CYLKOWA i przepisana przez MIRKA SOPKA
Monodram Tertium
Tertium. The third witness in Job’s TRIAL.
A THEATER SCORE for one actress according to THE BOOK OF JOB
translated from Hebrew by RABBI IZAAC CYLKOW and transcribed by MIREK SOPEK

Our publications
The hebrew bibile in Rabbi Cylkow’s translation to polish

We are very happy to achieve the publication of four books of Hebrew Bible in Rabbi’s Izaak Cylkow translation. As it has been our policy from the very beginning, we always publish printed books as well. So, we present here: The Torah, Psalms, Five Megilots, The Book of Ijob. Soon we will see The Book of Jozue here!
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Publishing House
World Without End Publishing House was established at the end of 2014 in order to publish and distribute the digital editions of the translation works of Rabbi Izaak Cylkow…
We also have other publishing plans, but let them remain unannounced – at least for now…
Our address:
Dr. Mirek Sopek
World Without End Publishing
ul. Demokratyczna 46
93430 Łódź

This land, so pure, as if swept with angel wings
quiet and flat, having suffered so much – always innocent
it trusts that goodness is simply goodness, and that law is such
like fields gleaming, like rye growing, like winter snow.
Photographs of Masovia by Adam Ławnik