The translation work of Rabbi Cylkow,
and his life inspired us to ...
The translation work of Rabbi Cylkow,
and his life inspired us to ...
… a series of projects related directly or indirectly to the work and the person of Rabbi Cylkow.
The first was the co-production, together with the Rondo Theater from the city of Słupsk, of the monodrama “Tertium”, based on the text of the Book of Job translated by the Rabbi. Read more about this play on the “Tertium” page.
An event related to the Lodz premiere of “Tertium” was a panel discussion about the meaning of the Book of Job, which was attended by: Archbishop of Lodz Grzegorz Ryś, Pastor Semko Koroza and Rabbi Grzegorz Szychowski. You can find an account of this event here.
Indirectly related to our mission was the co-production of another album by famous Polish Hasidic Chazan – Symcha Keller: “Chasydzka Droga” (The Hasidic Way). You will soon find more about this album here. Stay tuned!